Refund Policy

This refund policy applies to purchases made on the website (, operated by Honest Page Like Service-BD.

Refund Eligibility

  • If applicable, refunds will only be considered for products covered by a specific warranty.
  • Refunds are not applicable for non-warranty products unless otherwise stated.

Non-Warranty Products*

  • Certain products on our website are classified as non-warranties.
  • Non-warranty products are sold without any warranty, expressed or implied.

No Warranty Means No Refund*

  • As a policy, no warranty accompanies non-warranty products.
  • A lack of warranty implies that no refund will be issued for non-warranty products.

Buyer’s Responsibility*

  • Purchasing non-warranty products is at the buyer’s risk.
  • The buyer acknowledges and accepts that non-warranty products may not be refundable.

Refund Process

  • Buyers seeking a refund for warranty-covered products must follow the guidelines outlined in the warranty policy.
  • Refund requests for eligible products must be submitted within 3–7 days of receiving the item.

Contact Information

  • Buyers can contact our customer support team at [email protected] for refund-related inquiries.
  • Provide the order number and relevant details when contacting customer support.

Refund Decisions

  • Refund requests will be processed after thoroughly evaluating the eligibility criteria.
  • The decision to approve or deny a refund request is at the seller’s sole discretion.


  • The seller reserves the right to make exceptions to this refund policy on a case-by-case basis.
  • Exceptions may be considered for extraordinary circumstances, subject to the seller’s discretion.

Changes to Refund Policy

  • The seller reserves the right to modify or amend this refund policy at any time.
  • Changes to the refund policy will be effective upon posting on the website.
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